Wednesday 29 June 2016 from 16:00 to 18:00 a free online meeting open to all will be held entitled "Innovative school libraries: let's design them together!"
The meeting, organised by Profs. Sara Belloni e Beatrice Anelli of the IC of Fiorenzuola D'Arda (PC), will be an opportunity to provide some ideas for planning in order to create a widespread network of good practices integrating paper books e technological tools both hardware and software without forgetting the importance of teacher training and the implementation of teaching projects.
This is an extremely topical subject, having as its starting point the Public Notice of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (Miur) which, on 13 May 2016, 'announces a selective procedure aimed at acquiring project proposals for the creation or adaptation of innovative school libraries, conceived as information and documentation centres also in the digital sphere by state school and educational institutions of all levels, favouring experiences of participatory planning, openness to the territory and the establishment of networks' (more information here).
How do I register?
How do I participate in the webinar?
To participate, you must have:
- A Windows or Mac computer or an iOS or Android tablet
- An Internet connection
- Audio speakers or headphones
The procedure is extremely simple. At least half an hour before the starting time of the session:
1. Go to the site Spontania
2. Enter as meeting ID 70044
3. Enter your name
4. Depending on the computer or device you are using, you will be asked to download and install the Spontania videoconferencing application. This last step is only necessary the first time you connect; subsequent times you can directly access the session. To avoid confusion during the course please turn off your microphone and PC webcam; you will still be able to communicate with the trainer using the chat window.