To celebrate its first decade of activity, Southampton Solent University in the UK, requested the installation of a custom-made video wall. This giant screen will be inserted into a new building to house an area where staff and students can study, socialise and share learning experiences.

This 6×6 video wall consisting of 36 55" screens were powered by Seada's G4K video wall controllers.

For this installation, a total of 9 G4K units were daisy chained together using simple HDMI cables.

With its unique daisy chain and frame-lock features for all outputs, Seada's G4Ks processors were able to use a single source of and play it back without synchronisation and frame-lock problems


  • Fanless design
  • Unlimited daisy chain expansion function
  • Options for Dual-Link DVI, HDMI or DisplayPort input
  • Supports 90, 180 and 270 degrees of rotation on each individual output