Stati Generali della Scuola Digitale Fair - Bergamo 29 November 2019.
Technology must return to being a simple tool to enable learning and teachers must resume their role centred on personal relationships with students. "All it takes to make a school a hope and desire for knowledge is a teacher', summarised Daniela Lucangeli, Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Padua during the fourth edition of the States General of the Digital Schoolheld yesterday in Bergamo.
"The school must take the lead in orienting children in the face of a complex reality: in this area, one cannot be nostalgic for the past nor get carried away by optimism, but rather adapt its mission to the formation of citizens who know how to disentangle themselves from the mass of information"said Anna Ascani, Deputy Minister for Education.
"Teachers must take teaching back into their own hands, basing it on the recovery of human relations by detaching themselves from the use of digital at all costs: for children, technology is completely transparent, so it must go back to being a tool, not an end"says Dianora Bardi, president of Learn Digital.
Ligra DS - present as an exhibitor and Official Sponsor of the event - follows and enhances this thought, with its stand at the Impara Digitale fair where it presented its solutions for Educational Robotics. Educational robotics refers to the development and use of learning environments based on robotic technologies. The teacher's task is to stimulate a research path together with the student in which the teacher must not transmit knowledge a priori, but encourage the arrival of knowledge with the use of logical tools, techniques and cognitive models.
The teaching field is that of Research-Action, i.e. "Knowledge Born from Doing".
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