Funding opportunities
and innovation for schools

Stay up-to-date on the latest opportunities and find out how you can participate to improve your school. Check out the active calls for proposals and start building the future of education!

Public tenders for schools

Discover funding opportunities for your projects

The section dedicated to public tenders for schools is a space designed to support school leaders, teachers and administrators in their search for funding to improve educational offerings and school infrastructure.

Here you will find an up-to-date selection of regional, national and European calls for proposals to support projects for educational innovation, digitisation, inclusion and staff training. Participating in these calls for proposals is a concrete opportunity to obtain fundamental resources for the growth of the school and its students.

By browsing through our page, you can access detailed information on each call for proposals, including how to participate, deadlines and requirements. Ligra DS is at your side to support you through all stages of project preparation. Write to - our Education team is on hand to turn your ideas into reality.

Regional call for the development of immersive AR/VR environments

Sicily Region

Enhancement of the education system through the development, innovation and experimentation of new models based on immersive didactics in favour of Comprehensive School Institutes and Didactic Directorates based in the Sicilian Region

Learning gaps and combating early school leaving in favour of Territorial Support Centres


Allocation of NRP resources for reducing learning gaps in favour of Territorial Support Centres
Ministerial Decree no. 41 of 7 March 2024, containing the allocation of resources for reducing learning gaps and combating early school leaving in favour of the Territorial Support Centres (CTS), in implementation of PNRR, Investment M4C1I1.4, funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU

Integrated digital education and digital transition training for school staff (DM66)


Decree of allocation of resources to educational institutions, implementing investment line 2.1 "Integrated digital education and digital transition training for school staff" under Mission 4, Component 1 - "Enhancing the supply of education services: from kindergartens to universities" of the EU-funded National Recovery and Resilience Plan - Next Generation EU

Implementation of national digital transformation training courses for school staff


The public notice prot. no. 152374 of 28 October 2024 intends to promote the establishment of territorial clusters of schools for the realisation of national training courses on digital transition and the promotion of integrated digital teaching, delivered with innovative methods and tools in favour of school staff.

School 4.0: innovative schools, cabling, new learning environments and laboratories


Decree of the Minister of Education and Merit No 215 of 25 October 2024 for the allocation of resources for the implementation of existing projects relating to investment line 3.2 "School 4.0: innovative schools, cabling, new learning environments and laboratories" under Mission 4 - Component 1 - of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan for the creation of educational campuses at technical and vocational institutes, as well as the allocation of resources in favour of educational institutions adhering to the national experimentation plan relating to the establishment of the technological-professional training chain.

Agenda South

PN 21/27

By Decree No. 176 of the Minister of Education and Merit of 30 August 2023, the project called 'Agenda SUD' was launched, addressed to state primary, first and second grade secondary schools in the Regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Apulia, Sardinia and Sicily.
The Agenda Sud interventions are aimed at overcoming territorial disparities, guaranteeing equal educational opportunities for students throughout the country. 

Agenda North

PN 21/27

By Decree No. 102 of the Minister of Education and Merit of 27 May 2024, the project called "Agenda NORD" was launched, aimed at the state primary, lower and upper secondary school institutions listed in Annexes 1 and 2 to the aforementioned decree of the "transition regions" and the "more developed regions", referred to in the Partnership Agreement for the 2021-2027 programming period, namely: Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont, Tuscany, Umbria and Veneto.

Cinematographic and audiovisual language as an object and instrument of education and training

Ministry of Culture

The call for proposals governs the procedures for the granting of grants to educational institutions, whether individual or organised in a network, for the implementation of promotion and awareness-raising projects on image education addressed to male and female students and aimed at the knowledge, understanding and use of the cinematographic and audiovisual language, or, in the broadest methodological and expressive freedom, envisaging the production of audiovisual works for educational and training purposes.

The Ligra DS Education team is at your disposal!

Contact us for more information on tenders

The Ligra DS Education team is at the side of schools to offer comprehensive support in the drafting of projects related to public funding calls. From the search for opportunities best suited to the needs of the institution through to the drafting of the application, we provide expert advice to maximise the chances of success.

Thanks to our experience in the field of education and technological innovation, we help schools turn their ideas into concrete projects, providing assistance at every stage of the process. Contact us to find out how we can support you in seizing the best funding opportunities!