• Kit for measuring Planck's constant
  • Kit for measuring Planck's constant

Kit for measuring Planck's constant

Tails: 5410

Brand: Optika

€ 145,90 + VAT
Recommended End User Price
  • € 145,90 + VAT
  • Recommended End User Price


The Planck constant can also be measured by exploiting the quantum properties of LED diodes. By polarising it directly, an LED diode starts to emit light as soon as the potential energy supplied to the electrons is sufficient to make them jump from the conduction band to the valence band (energy gap). As a result of this energy jump, each electron emits a photon of energy
hf = eVs
Knowing the potential Vs at which the LED begins to emit a faint light, it is possible to trace the value of h. Three LEDs, red green and blue, are provided to verify that the higher the energy gap, the higher the frequency of the emitted light.



  • Typology:
  • Finished product
  • Product category:
  • Science Laboratory
  • Family:
  • Physics Laboratory
  • Product line:
  • Atom
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