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Simple and intuitive digital teaching platform that enables the integration of quality content with innovative and effective learning methodologies. It contains a wealth of teaching management tools: thousands of ready-made lessons and
editable according to one's own needs, In-depth content from the Treccani world and its qualified partners, Interaction tools for sharing materials, comments and feedback, Lots of online training courses for teachers, Teaching videos and video lessons to make learning more engaging, Customisable interactive tests and assessments to monitor the progress of activities, Digital classrooms in which to share content in a dedicated cloud space. Possibility to purchase packages with PCTO content (not included).
Web app and mobile app available on computers, tablets and smartphones.
Usable by: teachers, students and families.
Annual licence for the class, 30 students and 1 teacher, 3 disciplines.
- Typology:
- Software
- Product category:
- Teaching tools
- Family:
- e-learning
- Product line:
- All school grades